What To Do When Your Business Is In Trouble

my-biz-advisor-business-successEvery business owner is different and they all have unique reasons for being in the business world, however they all have one thing in common and that’s money; every business needs to make money to be successful. If your business isn’t making as much money as it needs to, it can  be a very stressful time.

It all depends on your mindset. Pushing your business when it’s not doing so well is a positive thing and is most definitely the right thing to do, however the problem comes when the business starts to do well but you ease off in your management approach – this is when progress becomes a bit stale.

If your business is a bit down in the dumps lately and you simply don’t know how to get through the rough times, you’re in the right place! Read on for an action plan that will lead you to SUCCESS! Continue reading

Is There Still Room For The Small Business

In todays modern super fast, no time for anything world, anything that saves time is seized with great gusto.  Supermarkets have now taken it upon themselves to offer such an extensive range of goods  that shoppers virtually don’t need to go anywhere else.

It is sadly the same with industry, there are the giants who corner their particular market making it very difficult for anyone else to get their foot in the door.  Being so large and powerful means that they have been there, done that, got the tie and seen off all comers along the way.

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How To Get Help When Starting Up A New Business

Many people over the years have followed their dream to be their own boss, and started up their own business.  This in itself is admirable, it takes a certain type of person to have the confidence and self belief that they can go it alone.

It is a big old world out there, and there are a million and one things that can go wrong if you are not careful.  The little guy tends to find it harder to break into a market when they are just starting out.

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How Working In The Cloud Could Save Your Small Business Money

Faint cloud against a bright blue skyThere’s a good chance you’ve heard discussion of working ‘in the cloud’, using ‘cloud storage’, and similar terms. It all sounds a bit abstract.

Perhaps because it sounds somewhat hard to pin down, many small business owners and enterprising individuals end up not making the most of the tools available to them – a real shame, as embracing cloud technologies can not only save you money, but can save time, provide a more productive workflow and give you greater security and peace of mind.

So what do people mean when they talk about ‘the cloud’?

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Is Changing The Direction Of My Small Business The Right Thing To Do?

Which Way

Which Way (Photo credit: oatsy40)

It’s never easy to make such a radical move as changing the purpose of your company. But occasionally, the proper response to dwindling returns and a low level of interest from your target market, is to offer something different that will bring you back into the black.

Choosing to revolutionise your product can be as big a decision as setting up the company in the first place, and this blog post can’t possibly tell you how to do it, or whether to do it at all. We can, however, help you make the decision for yourself, with the help of colleagues your customer base, and professional guidance from services specialising in new business advice.

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