What To Do When Your Business Is In Trouble

my-biz-advisor-business-successEvery business owner is different and they all have unique reasons for being in the business world, however they all have one thing in common and that’s money; every business needs to make money to be successful. If your business isn’t making as much money as it needs to, it can  be a very stressful time.

It all depends on your mindset. Pushing your business when it’s not doing so well is a positive thing and is most definitely the right thing to do, however the problem comes when the business starts to do well but you ease off in your management approach – this is when progress becomes a bit stale.

If your business is a bit down in the dumps lately and you simply don’t know how to get through the rough times, you’re in the right place! Read on for an action plan that will lead you to SUCCESS! Continue reading

Tips To Creating A Successful Business

high-business-growthIn a world full of entrepreneurs, it’s hard to be successful and stand out. If you want to succeed in anything you do, you need to truly believe in your idea and you have to want it bad enough. If you think you’ve got what it takes….read on. Continue reading

Run Your Small Business From Your Smartphone

Remember The Milk Widget

Remember The Milk Widget (Photo credit: Johan Larsson)

Running a small business doesn’t have to mean being chained to your desk, or even carrying your laptop everywhere you go.

It all depends on what it is you do, of course, but you might be surprised to find just how much of the day to day work you can carry out on a smartphone.

You probably wouldn’t rely entirely on the phone. There’s no point in needlessly restricting yourself, and you should invest in the tools you need. But with the right apps, you can carry out a certain amount of work on the bus, in a queue, at home or in bed.

And while the line between work and leisure time should remain clear, you might find you can clear your schedule for more of your core business by getting admin and organisational tasks out of the way whenever you have a few minutes spare.

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Could ‘Corporate Culture’ Be Holding Your Small Business Back?

Dilbert cartoon, copyright Scott Adams

‘Dilbert’ cartoon, copyright Scott Adams

Startups have reputations of being versatile and free from constraints on employees and the way they work. They’re often thought of as the more fun companies to work for.

And when we think of what we call ‘corporate culture’ – and a lot of different practices and values fall under that name – we generally don’t think of small businesses.

Having said that, a worrying number of startups have policies on the books that actually prove counter-productive – and they probably haven’t even thought about how things could be different.

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5 Technology Essentials To Support Your New Business

The corner of a laptopSo you’ve managed to set up your own brand spanking new business. You’ll have had to make some sacrifices along the way, and some of your office equipment may have been belatedly implemented only after you ran in a situation that called for it.

To avoid any further frantic last-minute purchases of this nature, support your new business with this list of five essentials no office should be without.

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Why Paying Someone To Help You Grow Could Be The Best Money You Spend


Money (Photo credit: 401(K) 2013)

Every small business owner needs a helping hand at some point in time.  It might be a little advice on how to generate more leads or it could be to support them whilst developing and implementing a national marketing strategy.

Whatever it is, there are very few small businesses who don’t reach out for some assistance and by no means should it be considered anything other than a positive move forward when you do.

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