Why You Shouldn’t Use A Template For The Website Of Your Small Business

biscuit cutters

biscuit cutters (Photo credit: hunting.glee)

There are a lot of questions surrounding the design and presence of your startup’s website, and those questions should be at the forefront of your mind as you go about getting your business up and running.

Website templates are available fairly cheaply – the idea is you just provide the content and stick it into a pre-packaged design. It’s certainly an option that works for some, but we reckon you’ll attain more success in your business if you actually hire a professional web designer.

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5 Ways To Make Social Media Work For Your Small Business

customer notice

customer notice (Photo credit: Sean MacEntee)

Social media is one of the cheapest, yet probably most widely used forms of promoting anything, especially your small business. Finding the right place to start is usually the key, then knowing what to do from there is what is needed to get it spot on.

So, whether you are new to this concept of promotion or you just want to add a new string to your bow then we have five of the best ways to getting it right. Continue reading

3 Ways You Can Use Social Media To Expand Your Business

Computer with FacebookDo you know your Twitter from your Tumblr, or your Facebook from your Flickr? If not, you could be seriously missing out. Social media has come to represent one of the most ubiquitous yet effective business marketing tools available, with up to 69 per cent of small firms reporting that social networks helped them to compete more effectively with larger competitors, according to a recent survey by Research In Motion, the makers of BlackBerry.

Furthermore, 53 per cent of business leaders interviewed stated that they utilise social networking to pursue a growth strategy – while among those who don’t use it, 70 per cent were focused purely on cash management.

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Can Social Media Make Running Your Small Business Easier?

Image representing Twitter as depicted in Crun...

Image via CrunchBase

One of the most difficult things any small business owner has to do when setting up in business today is decide on which resources they’re going to utilise.

With so much choice, it simply isn’t possible to take everything on board, even if money and time were no object.  Instead, you need to work out which are going to prove to be the most beneficial and offer the greatest return on your investment.

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