How To Stay Calm Before A Job Interview

my-biz-advisor-how-to-stay-calm-in-a-job-interviewInterviews are the worst part of the job application process for a huge amount of people. The only problem is, the interview is an essential part of the process for most jobs so it’s inevitable you will have to face an interview at some point. Nerves have been known to get the better of even the most qualified of people so it’s nothing to be ashamed of.

You may get a rush of adrenaline to start with but it will soon turn to nerves which isn’t a good thing because no one likes being nervous and it can lead to silly mistakes you wouldn’t have otherwise made. If you find it hard to control your nerves in the heat of an interview, this article is definitely for you!

Know why you’re there

One of the most calming things to remember is why you’ve even got the interview; it’s because the company think you’ve got the basics and are capable. Think of how many applicants there was for the job and how you were whittled down from them and placed in one of a few top spots. Believe you can do it!

You should be confident in your abilities because at the end of the day, the company you’re interviewing for has clearly seen something in you before now. There was something about you that caught their eye, all you need to do is talk about your desired skills and abilities

Plan, plan, plan!

It sounds obvious and everyone says it but you must plan and be prepared because the more you do before the interview, the less you have to rush around doing on the morning. For example if you need a copy of your CV, be sure to print them out well in advance because if something happens like your printer running out of ink, you’ve got no time to do anything about it.

You should also get your interview outfit out a few days before your interview and iron it if needed. This is so you have time to double check it fits and to ensure there’s no stains or anything on it. At least this way,  there’s plenty of time to sort it out if there’s a problem.

Another handy tip is to drive to the interview venue before the day and figure out where you’re going to park. Or if you’re getting there by a different method, get the same time bus for example so you know you’re definitely going to be there on time. When you’re sat in the car park or are on your bus/train journey you should have a quick revise of your notes so you are confident and clear about what you’re saying.

Be positive

You should be positive in your answers and just in general. You should give off the impression of enthusiasm and positivity! Smile! Because you want the interviewer to get the impression you are a warm, happy person. They will make a great first impression of you if you smile and are positive. It will help with your nerves too because you will start to relax more!


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