Run Your Small Business From Your Smartphone

Remember The Milk Widget

Remember The Milk Widget (Photo credit: Johan Larsson)

Running a small business doesn’t have to mean being chained to your desk, or even carrying your laptop everywhere you go.

It all depends on what it is you do, of course, but you might be surprised to find just how much of the day to day work you can carry out on a smartphone.

You probably wouldn’t rely entirely on the phone. There’s no point in needlessly restricting yourself, and you should invest in the tools you need. But with the right apps, you can carry out a certain amount of work on the bus, in a queue, at home or in bed.

And while the line between work and leisure time should remain clear, you might find you can clear your schedule for more of your core business by getting admin and organisational tasks out of the way whenever you have a few minutes spare.

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