What To Do When Your Business Is In Trouble

my-biz-advisor-business-successEvery business owner is different and they all have unique reasons for being in the business world, however they all have one thing in common and that’s money; every business needs to make money to be successful. If your business isn’t making as much money as it needs to, it can  be a very stressful time.

It all depends on your mindset. Pushing your business when it’s not doing so well is a positive thing and is most definitely the right thing to do, however the problem comes when the business starts to do well but you ease off in your management approach – this is when progress becomes a bit stale.

If your business is a bit down in the dumps lately and you simply don’t know how to get through the rough times, you’re in the right place! Read on for an action plan that will lead you to SUCCESS! Continue reading

Are New Businesses Selling Themselves Short

For the most part, people running their own small business are practitioners of their chosen vocation.  They feel comfortable doing their own thing and are more often then not, extremely good at it.

Many are small family run concerns that have over the years, built up an excellent customer base. Their hard work, determination and commitment is eventually paying dividends.

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Is There Still Room For The Small Business

In todays modern super fast, no time for anything world, anything that saves time is seized with great gusto.  Supermarkets have now taken it upon themselves to offer such an extensive range of goods  that shoppers virtually don’t need to go anywhere else.

It is sadly the same with industry, there are the giants who corner their particular market making it very difficult for anyone else to get their foot in the door.  Being so large and powerful means that they have been there, done that, got the tie and seen off all comers along the way.

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How To Get Help When Starting Up A New Business

Many people over the years have followed their dream to be their own boss, and started up their own business.  This in itself is admirable, it takes a certain type of person to have the confidence and self belief that they can go it alone.

It is a big old world out there, and there are a million and one things that can go wrong if you are not careful.  The little guy tends to find it harder to break into a market when they are just starting out.

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Taking A Look At How To Start Your Own Business 2

"moo business cards"

“moo business cards” (Photo credit: osde8info)

The next steps on the seemingly never ending path to launching your own company are, just like the others, extremely important. Location is probably a good place to start as this really can make or break your fledgling enterprise with surprising speed.

If for example your venture is into the retail market, you want your premises to be in an area where as many people as possible people can see it. Hidden away in a little side street or up an alley means that it may be difficult to find and therefore lose potential customers, walk by traffic.

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3 Tips For Networking When You’re Not Working

English: High Speed Business Networking Event ...

English: High Speed Business Networking Event (Paris, 2006) by JCI Français : Événement de rencontres d’Affaires à très haute vitesse (Paris, 2006) par la JCI : action de parrainage des jeunes chefs d’entreprise avec l’association EGEE (Entente des Générations pour l’Emploi et l’Entreprise). (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

They say it’s not what you know, it’s who you know. There is a lot of truth in this – networking is a vital part of making your company succeed, and it’s particularly important in the early stages of your business when your marketing budget will be limited and you’ll need to rely largely on word of mouth.

Most of your networking will take place on the clock, but you can really increase awareness of what you and your colleagues have to offer when not working – when travelling, socialising or having a meal.

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How To Make Mobile Work For Your Small Business

An example of a Digital Conversation being run...

An example of a Digital Conversation being run on a mobile device (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

With the growth in the market for tablets and “phablets” (phones with very large screens), users may be more able to navigate the ordinary desktop version of your site while on the go – but creating a more accessible layout is a nice gesture to mobile users, and will give you an edge over competitors who appear less aware of their customers’ changing needs. A top-notch website design firm will work with you closely to ensure the best possible results.

Research has shown that 67% of users on a mobile-optimised site are more likely to buy a product or service than on one not designed for mobile. This shows that making sure your site is accessible to users no matter where they are or what device they’re using is not just a nice idea – it’s critical to success in a crowded marketplace.

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Taking A Look At How To Start Your Own Business

English: Business Plan Presentation at FSG 2009

English: Business Plan Presentation at FSG 2009 (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

A great many people have a dream, a dream of running their own business, of bringing their particular products or services to the attention of the public. They are sure that they have what it takes to make it by themselves and stand tall on their own two feet.

Unfortunately, statistics would paint another, slightly less rosy picture, one in which the shelf life, to coin a phrase, is less than substantial. However, that said, there are several things that anyone who at the moment is thinking of starting out for themselves can do to reduce the risk.

The business market can be very complex and more importantly unforgiving, so the last thing that you want to do is to fall at the first fence by lacking experience. To this end, the first thing that you should do is recognise the fact that you are going to be the new kid on the block and make a concerted effort to get as much knowledge as possible.

There are many ways that you can do this, the internet for example is an incredible source, it is amazing what you can find out if you only take the time to look. There are places out there which are dedicated to and pride themselves on giving new business advice and these are definitely well worth visiting.

Anything or anyone that gives you an insight into the world you want to break into will increase your confidence and chances of survival. If you are willing to put in the leg work at this early stage, it could just save you a lot of heartache further on down the line.

The next hurdle will be a business plan, you will need one, especially if you will are looking for funding to get venture up and running. Anyone lending you money will need to be 100% sure that their money is in safe hands, and the chances of return are nothing less than good.

This can be extremely hard work, especially in today’s economic climate, but don’t give up hope if you don’t get a break first time round. If your business plan is good enough, then someone somewhere, will eventually come to the fore with the assistance that you need.

The important thing that you have to remember is that this is your dream, your business plan, your venture, and your ideas. Unfortunately this also means that it is down to you and no one else to promote and convince others to help you to get it off the ground.

Taking A Look At How To Start Your Own Business.

Gnomes' three phase business plan

Gnomes’ three phase business plan (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

A great many people have a dream, a dream of running their own business, of bringing their particular products or services to the attention of the public. They are sure that they have what it takes to make it by themselves and stand tall on their own two feet.

Unfortunately, statistics would paint another, slightly less rosy picture, one in which the shelf life, to coin a phrase,of new businesses is less than substantial. However, that said, there are several things that anyone who at the moment is thinking of starting out for themselves can do to reduce the risk.

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How Networking Can Help Your Business.


Social-network (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Running a business can at times be an extraordinarily difficult thing to do such is the nature of the beast. There are no quick fixes to making your business the raging success that you have always hoped that it would be.

Unfortunately, to the vast majority of us, striving to make a living by working for ourselves, life is not that kind. There is an old adage that says that you make your own luck, and it is true as nobody is going to serve it to you on a silver platter.

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